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Ayurveda |आयुर्वेद

The lesson of life

The folk medicine of what is now the Indian subcontinent is a teaching that has been practiced for thousands of years and is dedicated to life itself. Ayurveda is therefore applicable to anyone and everyone, beyond cultural or geographical boundaries. The deep wisdom of the Vedas is based on the experiences and visions of the great seers (rishis) of the Vedic high culture of the time. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, for a long, healthy and happy life. The main component of Ayurveda is salutogenesis (maintaining health) through constitutional determination according to the 5 elements and their properties, nutrition, cleansing, applications, herbalism, aromatherapy, gynecology, tongue and pulse diagnosis and astrology.

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Abhyanga means "the great oiling" and is the royal massage in Ayurveda! It is a very nourishing and calming full-body relaxation massage. The slow, deep and conscious massage movements such as strokes and circles make it easier to let go and calm the nervous system. The muscles, bones, joints and their tissue are well nourished and better supplied with blood. Energy channels are stimulated, the lymph flow is activated, blockages and toxins are released. A wonderful and effective massage that is particularly effective for fatigue, dryness, stiffness and pain in the joints and muscles, stress, inner restlessness and for regeneration.


PINDASWEDA -Dry herbal stamp massage 60 min

The whole body is intensively massaged with herbal bags filled with warm ginger and caraway seeds. This treatment technique is particularly good for cleansing the tissue, removing crystalline deposits and toxins. The herbal stamp massage also helps with poor circulation, stiff joints and increases mental vitality. Our skin has the ability to absorb substances from the outside and excrete them from the inside, so the herbal bags work not only because of their warmth but also because of their filling. A stimulating treatment that is most effective when carried out several times at short intervals.

The Garshan massage is a traditional dry massage. The Sanskrit word "gharshana" means "to rub".   The dry rubbing of the body with wild silk gloves creates a lymph-stimulating effect. In addition, dead skin cells are removed, like a peeling. The rough surface of the gloves stimulates circulation and microcirculation. The gentle pressure applied at the same time also stimulates the lymph flow. All of these factors together cleanse and strengthen the skin and connective tissue. This treatment is particularly effective as a preparation for or as an accompaniment to cleansing treatments.

KANSU 45min

The soles of the feet are massaged and stimulated with ghee/oil and a special metal bowl made of copper, tin and zinc. The small bowl is moved in repeated circles along the soles of the feet and toes. A very soothing and relaxing treatment that balances all 3 doshas. Agni - the digestive fire is stimulated, helps with tiredness, heat in the body, burning soles of the feet, strengthens the eyes and helps with processing emotional experiences.

KHADI VASTI - spinal cast 40min

A warm herbal oil mixture is poured into a dough ring in the area of the spine. Due to the oil mixture and the warmth, this treatment has a relaxing, calming, nourishing and supportive effect against spinal complaints.

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